November 24 - 25

I'm sad to report that Zoe Liz will be moving away from Ithaca to live with her father over Thanksgiving break and will go to a different school.  We made her a good-bye book this week and we will write her letters in December.  We hope she enjoys her new school and that she will stay in touch with our class.  We will miss her but we will not forget her!

We celebrated Camila's birthday on Monday when her family brought in a special snack for the class.  We also started making snowflakes to replace the leaves on our classroom windows, sorted words, numbers and pictures associated with pennies, nickels and dimes, and we traced the letters to spell the words of the week: put, said, with, your, jump.

On Tuesday we read a book about spiders and made a paper spider to take home.  Please discuss with your child how spiders differ from insects (for example, spiders have two body parts and eight legs while insects have three body parts and six legs...).

This week we have been editing and illustrating thank you letters to people in our lives in preparation for Thanksgiving.  Please look for these important letters to come home on Tuesday. Pictures of each student with their letter and a recording of them reading their letter will be posted here in early December.

Thank you for all you've done to make this year a success so far.  I'm so grateful that everyone made time to have a conference with me and for both listening and communicating so well.  I really appreciate how much support and time you have offered me both in and out of school.

Enjoy the break and I'll see you on December 1st!


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