This week we measured length using different body parts, standard feet and inches. A few students needed reminders to line up the edge of the ruler with the edge of what they were measuring. If you have a thermometer at home, please help your child practice reading the temperature (in Farenheit) over winter break. We will study measurement more in the beginning of January, too.

Sharing at Morning Meeting this week slipped into a more traditional "show and tell." Please remind your child that this is a story telling time and that bringing in 1-2 small pictures or props to support the story is OK but that he/she needs to do more than merely describe the object(s). Again, the goal is to become a better reader, writer, and listener. I recognize this is a bit of a departure from the expectation many children have and that this will take time to develop. You can help your child rehearse ahead of time, encouraging them to include details such as who, what, where, why, when, how and their feelings. Let me know if you need another copy of the sharing schedule (see last week's post). Thanks for your support!

I give all students an opportunity to try the snack that is served and they can finish any leftover food from their lunch. As a fairly picky eater myself, I really respect children's dietary choices, but I also expect them to try new things and respect their peers' preferences. I appreciate your help with this. Thanks.
Thursday and Friday afternoons we had a lot of fun reading multi-step directions on how to make some winter-themed crafts: gingerbread houses (out of paper/milk cartons), snowball structures (with mini marshmallows and toothpicks) and snowflake art (yarn and popsicle stick decorations). I hope these masterpieces made it home in one piece!
Finally, I am looking for new games for choice (e.g. Connect Four, Checkers, Boggle, Uno, Ravensburger games...). Playing board games and card games with classmates is a great way to practice taking turns and good sportsmanship. Please think of us as you clean out your household collection or if you go to any yard sales. We would really appreciate any donations or loaners.
Have a fun, safe, and restful winter break.
See you in 2009!
See you in 2009!